Pallone on Senate Trumpcare Proposal
“This mean spirited proposal is not substantively different from the moral monstrosity that Speaker Ryan rammed through the House last month.”
Energy and Commerce Ranking Member Frank Pallone, Jr. (D-NJ) released the following statement after Senate Republicans released their draft of Trumpcare earlier today:
"After weeks of backroom dealing, Senator McConnell has finally made public the Senate Republican's secret health care bill—and it's no wonder they kept it behind closed doors for so long. This mean spirited proposal is not substantively different from the moral monstrosity that Speaker Ryan rammed through the House last month.
"The Senate's Trumpcare bill would still rip health care away from millions of Americans, could strip protections for people with pre-existing conditions, and allow insurance companies to charge older Americans five times more for coverage than younger Americans. The Senate bill also makes similarly devastating cuts to Medicaid in order to give giant tax breaks to the wealthiest few. The Medicaid cuts would ration care for more than 70 million Americans, the overwhelming majority of whom are seniors in nursing homes, pregnant women, and children.
"This is a heartless proposal. The American people deserve better than a Congress that is willing to trade away their health care for tax cuts for the rich and corporations."